Healing through learning
Long story short...
The meaning behind the name, "healing through learning" encompasses all things I have learned and I continue to learn every day of my life.
Ironically, the past 3 years have been the worst and the best times of my life. I don't ever want to go back there, but I don't regret having gone there either. I know I'm contradicting myself, but that's exactly how I feel.
What I have come to realize is that healing takes place only when a meaningful learning takes place. We learn through experiences. There is no such thing as failure in life. Without "mistakes", we won't learn. We will never know what we are capable of. Human potentials are limitless. It's our nervous minds that tell us otherwise, analyzing until we become paralyzed. If we could stop listening to our minds all the time, our lives would be so much easier.
With each experience, emotions and thoughts arise. I have learned that there are no negative or positive emotions. To accept and acknowledge my feelings and thoughts is to love myself just the way I am, a whole package. To deny them is tantamount to rejecting myself, not loving myself wholly.
In terms of fear, instead of following your mind tellling you to run away from it, resist the temptation to turn around; instead, get close to it and run toward it. Accepting fear means you are recognizing its presence as opposed to denying it. That's not going to desensitize you from fear in its entirety, but welcoming it actually makes it go away. Fear doesn't want your welcome. By doing the exact opposite of what fear wants you to do, you are doing yourself a huge favor. Now you are on top of it!
Surrendering to what comes to you requires a lot of courage and strength. No to mention practice--as a matter of fact, you have to remind yourself all the time. As they say, "reistance is futile." It's a lot easier said than done, but it's definitely worth trying. To let go is to trust that all is well. Whatever happens, you're going to be OK. It's hard to feel OK when it's happening to you, but that's OK too. You can feel not OK as long as you start seeing that you are going to be OK no matter what.
Life is a mirror image of our own mental reflections. Reality we see is the image we create. We only have one chance in this life. What we do with it is up to us. We make the choices. We create the images. The choices we make every day--either we lock ourselves up and never come out, or we do what we can to break the chain and set us free.
One of my favorite quotes by Dr. Maya Angelou is what I live by: "I can be changed by what happens to me, but I refuse to be reduced by it."
I am learning every single day. Life is full of challenges. I say, "Bring it on! Let's roll with the punches!" because I really believe "what doesn't kill me will only make me stronger."
Learning through experience is what I will continue to do for the rest of my life. At the end of the long dark tunnel awaits the light of hope: healing. I know it because I was there to see it for myself.
You are braver and stronger than you think--as Winnie the Pooh would put it (you are smarter than you think as well!)
You are not your mind. You are You. You are enough! I remind myself that all the time. It makes me feel better, knowing that I will be OK no matter what happens.