Live today like there's no tomorrow
It may be an age-old cliche. But there's a reason why this quote has an endless line of lifelong followers. There's a catch though, however. It sounds straightfoward and simple enough to understand its underlying meaning, but we all know it's way easier discussed than delivered.
Whoever came up with this briliant quote is right on the mark. We all want to live our lives like there's no tomorrow. Live fully. Live joyfully. Live wholeheartedly. Live authentically. Live happily ever after.
Most of us procrastinate because we think there is tomorrow. We think we have all the time in the world. Sometimes, I think we think we are immortal. Unless you've been there and done that, death is something conceptualized and intellectualized; so, we think we know what to expect, kind of. The truth is quite the opposite. We convince ourselves that we know what's in store for us because it makes it easier for us to deal with the ultimate fear factor: no tomorrow.
Those of us who have the time to anaylze the abstract picture called life are the lucky ones. There are people who struggle and suffer, survival being the sole purpose of life. People like me don't realize how fortunate and privileged we really are. Now is all we will ever have. What am I doing NOW? Am I living NOW like there is no next?
Life teaches us its most valuable lesson through showing its darkest side when we least expect it. Ironically, creativity seems to get inspired from life's painful experiences. I know that for a fact as I had those moments more often than not during my darkest hours. What happens is, as ego's endless talk starts fading out, you start hearing and listening to the real voice within you. In that sense, the words that come out on rainy days are authentic since those are your real thoughts and feelings. You're no longer pretending to be someone else or trying to prove yourself.
Anyway, life unfolds as it's supposed to. However you live your life, whether fully or not, you're exactly where you need to be, on the right path. You will get to a place you're meant to be. If tomorrow is meant to be there for you, there will be tomorrow. How do we know that? Who knows? That's why we live today like there's no tomorrow because "today" might not be there tomorrow.
YOLO is whay I live by.
Doing what I want to do, to make myself happy is my life purpose. It takes practice, but it's definitely worth it.
Free your spirit.
Dance like no one is watching! That's the real YOU!